What You Should Know About the R-Value of Insulated Metal Panels

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What You Should Know About the R-Value of Insulated Metal Panels

What You Should Know About the R-Value of Insulated Metal Panels 1024 576 Steel Buildings | Allied Steel Buildings

Insulated metal panels have taken over the construction market and virtually all the market sectors are being dominated by the use of IMPs. Whether it’s a commercial project or an architectural masterpiece, IMPs are the preferred choice.

Why shouldn’t they be? IMPs offer tons of perks as compared to other options. Whether it’s the variety of colors, effects, and finishes, or the easy installation, both the designers and the contractors love working with IMPs.

The owner, on the other hand, gets to reap the benefits of reduced heating and cooling costs. Basically, it’s a win-win for everyone! However, since the word insulated is the name, one of the most important factors when comparing IMPs to other systems is its thermal performance.

Two of the most common parameters used to calculate the thermal performance of insulated metal panels are the R-value and the U-factor. Today, we’ll talk about the R-value and everything there’s to know about the R-value of IMPs.

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What Is R-Value

R-value is defined as an insulating material’s capacity to resist the flow of heat. Higher R-values are an indication of greater insulation power. In insulated metal panels, R-value of the core foam is calculated according to the ASTM C518 standard test method.

It’s also worth mentioning that R-value of IMPs is only a measure of the insulation capacity of the core foam and doesn’t take into consideration the metal skins, joint or framing effects, and gap resistance.

R-Values of Insulated Metal Panels

In the case of IMPs, the R-value of the foam core generally ranges from 7 to 48. The R-value of the foam is directly related to the thickness. So for the highest value, i.e. 48, the foam thickness is 6 inches.

When compared to the conventional field-assembled glass fiber systems, IMPs offer insulation efficiency which is more than twice. Upon comparison, Polyurethane-Polyisocyanurate, which is the most common foam materials used in IMPs, proved to be the most insulation efficient.

Compared to the R values of mineral fiber and cellular glass – which is 3 – the value of PUR-PIR foam was 7.5. The core foam also beats out extruded polystyrene and expanded polystyrene as these materials showed an R-value of 5 and 4.

The R-values discussed above are for the foam thickness of 1 inch. As the thickness of the core foam increases, so does the R-value and consequentially the insulation efficiency.

However, it’s also worth mentioning that comparison of IMPs to traditional systems can’t just be based on the R-value. U-factor also needs to be taken into consideration when such a comparison is being made.

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The Verdict

The R-value of IMPs is an important factor and plays an important role in design parameters and material selection. However, it doesn’t portray the complete picture until the U-factor is taken into consideration.

Nevertheless, comparison of R-values clearly shows the superiority of insulated metal panels over the traditional alternatives, as far as the thermal performance is concerned.

This thermal performance is one of the main reasons why IMPs are being used in the construction of manufacturing plants, breweries, and cold storage facilities, just to name a few.

At Allied Steel Buildings, we offer comprehensive industrial steel solutions for every industry. Whether it’s insulated panels, galvanized frames, firewalls, or noise control systems, we can be of assistance.

If you want to learn more about IMPs and how they can improve your construction project, get in touch now!

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Read more about Insulated Metal Panels: Everything You Need To Know About Insulated Metal Panels 

Insulated Metal Panel - Panel Sandwich


Insulated Metal Panels | R-Value Explained
Article Name
Insulated Metal Panels | R-Value Explained
Insulated metal buildings have taken over the construction market and virtually all the market sectors are being dominated by the use of IMPs. Whether it’s a commercial project or an architectural masterpiece, IMPs are the preferred choice.
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Allied Steel Buildings
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Allied Steel Buildings is a global manufacturer of steel buildings and structural steel solutions, offering best-in-class design, engineering and project management seamlessly integrated into our clients' processes. Our two manufacturing facilities, located in Texas and Spain, utilize cutting-edge technology, including robotics and automation, to ensure our manufactured materials set a new standard for quality in the industry. Since 2003, we have successfully delivered over 5,500 metal building projects across 72 countries, serving industries worldwide.